Friday, February 17, 2006

Kanye videos... Heard 'em Say

Continuing with the video posts, I am putting up the two versions of Kanye West's "Heard 'em Say" video. Thie first is the Michel Gondry version, which apparently was hated by Kanye and completely discarded. It lacks the typical Gondry magic, but it is a fun attempt nonetheless.

The second is a mostly animated video done up by Bill Plympton, and though this pairing is unusual, the storyline and song mesh with surprising success.

As for the song, it is really wonderful. There is something truly spectacular going on with this beat. Adam Levine does his best Stevie Wonder, and his voice blends seamlessly with the rolling piano Jon Brion supplies on the track.

Kanye West - Heard'em Say (Version Gondry) 34 Mb. Quicktime
Kanye West - Heard'em Say (Version Plympton) 11 Mb. wmv


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