Monday, September 19, 2005

Bill O'Reilly is a massive douche.

Holy shit. This further confirms what many of us have already known- Bill O'Reilly is a Grade-A, stinky, dripping douche. Last week, Bill reaffirmed his status as the world's largest pile of blubbering excrement by bullying the helpless victims of Katrina in a hate-spewing rant that can only be described as disturbing. Ok, it could also be summed up as vile, abhorrent, evil, abominable, despicable, spiteful, contemptuous, etc., but spending any more time on this prick would be stupid... but I am going to run that risk and continue.
Here's a short transcript of the more offensive portions of his tirade:


"Now, what's the real story? The real story is this: Ten percent of Americans, and 10
percent of any society, simply are so chaotic for whatever reason that they're never, ever going to be able to fend for themselves and make a living. They are either substance abusers, they're mentally ill, they're screwed up emotionally beyond -- they can't carry on a conversation, they're catatonic, schizophrenic, whatever it may be. No matter how much money you pour in, they're always going to be in that condition. It's not massive neglect, it's not; it's human nature.

Now, our government has a duty to provide a safety net so these people aren't living under bridges. But some of them are anyway, because all the entitlement money
they get they spend on heroin or crack or alcohol. So they can't pay their rent because the money that they're given they spend on drugs and alcohol. So what do you do? Give them more money? They're not going to pay their rent, they're going to spend it on drugs and alcohol. And therefore, they're going to be out on the street with their hand out. Many, many, many of the poor in New Orleans are in that condition. They weren't going to leave
no matter what you did. They were drug-addicted. They weren't going to get turned off from their source. They were thugs, whatever."

This blowhard needs to receive the severest of ass-kickings, or even better, get mouth-raped by a camel in heat. Being that I reside in the DC area, it wouldn't take much effort to provide copies of the above transcript to the 600 "thugs" who are making the DC stadium armory their temporary home. Just speculating, but this might inspire them to take a trip up to Bill's studio (1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036) and see if he stands by those asinine comments.

On his September 14 radio show, Bill O'Reilly said he wished that Hurricane Katrina had flooded the United Nations building in New York. King of the Douches then added, "And I wouldn't have rescued them." The UN is full of people working hard (albeit ineffectively at times) to promote respect for human rights, protect the environment, fight disease, and reduce poverty... yet in the wake of one of America's most destructive natural disasters, Massingal Boy decides that more death and hardship on innocent folks is just what the doctor ordered.

I hope Bill O'Reilly's face catches on fire so I can try and put it out with a wet brick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed... great post. You are now officially added to my favorites list. Keep it up.